If you're looking for good name for a band, try some of these!

Future Names of Bands

1. Jacob Marley and the Crushed Ice
2. Slarty Bartfast
3. Crumbled Tinfoil
4. Ransid Milk
5. Rotten Eggs
6. The flushing Toilets
7. Ablaren la Cesta (talking in the garbage can)
8. The tweetles
9. Tone Death
10. Maranated Macaroni
11. Exit Zone
12. Streets of Dispare
13. Ten of one
14. Eating Possums (blue grass band)
15. Hisks in the Billage
16. Brass Doornail
17. Eating Ducks
18. Carpet fiber
19. No name givin
20. Washing Windows
21. Dimlights
22. Glass walls
23. Marching across my face
24. Huggy white coats
26. reignforced
27. Sparkling refriderators
28. Floortile
29. Yellow Pump Ernickle
30. Musical chairs
31. Purple, purple, purple, blue
32. Cornfish
33. The squids
35. Morning of Distruction
36. Brick layers
37. Samuel J. Noway
38. French hick
40. Kadoaver estates
41. Yellow Fungui
42. Broken String
43. "C" Scale
44. Retarted Fishsticks
45. The minivans 46. Mr. Wrench
47. Happy soap
48. Castle #2 (the sequal)
49. Happy pants
50. The return of...
51. The band no onger exist
52. Fire green
53. the sequal
54. Pretty sad
55. The how abouts
56. Bristle toungs
57. Three to the square rood of seven (-8)
58. Skervy dogs
59. Frothy chair
60. Dust Bunnies
61. Corprated stuff
62. the way outs
63. The mousers
64. Classical Ransids
65. Freaks of Idaho
66. Drive off a cliff
67. Eyes in teh ear
68. Clock worksheet
69. Scramble to insanity
70. Idiots I coquiteo
71. Hatret of greatness
72. Freaky band names
73. Ransid surplus
74. The future of no where
75. 12:10, no 59, no 12:10:15
76. the return of the cheese wizz
77. Fried chicken
78. the flapping hare
79. Flying monkey's
80. Rainbow crystal thing
81. Thing-a-majig
82. who
83. What
84. where
85. Why
86. How
87. garlic crunchy
88. Spazy brids that swim
89. chear headed grasshopper
90. Crushy crushy
91. Launch at noon
92. Shut-up
93. Bob
94. Whipped cream sundays
95. The srawberries have returned
96. Wher have the nuggets gone?
97. fred went away
98. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
99. What is that anyways
100. The spiders have returned
102. Candy corn
103. Can we, Can u
104. Arnoid crayfish
105. Lue Lue the Wonder Dog
106. Nrf said
107. Katy and the Dukes
108. Wonder of nature
109. Got music
110. Rabbid Meat Loaf
111. @#&*
112. When something goes wrong
113. The air murdered (formely known as the ax musdery)
114. Ship awards
115. Ispep
116. Sriget
117. 2 to many
118. Chalk
119. Don't talk to us cus wre cool drnks and are so much better than you! (the band)
120. Abren los libros
121. After all we've done
122. The end is near
123. The end in 2000
124. Life once lived
125. Sparkling ocean
126. Beneath my soul
127. The life of tomarrow
128. Regretful wishing
129. 7 inch high heels
130. Denying the heart
131. Where am I?
132. Pure Breads
133. Vaselline
134. Seagulls
135. Spagettie & Meatballs
136. Lemonade
137. Refreshments
138. Zoik, Zonk, Zeek
139. 1=10
140. 10 x 10
141. ice sickle
142. The missing link
143. What is wrong with your...
144. Why is there a snake in my cup
145. Help!
146. The aliens
147. We are your friend, I'm sure this time
148. We play for money

Please, if there are any you would like to add to the list e-mail them to me.