Here you can talk about Wufei all you want. I bet all you Gundom Wing
freaks want to know why Wufei of all people. Well, there is a logic explination
for everything!
You can find mailing list of the other Gundom Wing
pilots, but no one even cares about Wufei. Herro is awsome. I consider
him probably one of the most important ones out of the five, besides Duo
Maxwell. Maxwell is favored in many ways. He's just the kind of guy girls
all go for. And no one had better forget Quatra. He's nice, sweet, easy
to get along with (at least, until you get him mad). Don't get me wrong,
each pilot is great in his own way. Someday, I may have my own mailing
list on each of them.
Have you ever noticed that there isn't many sites on Wufei Chang out
there? You can go to to Anipike and look up Gundom Wing. There will
be maybe 1 out of every 30 sites dedicated to Wufei. Maybe even less than
that. See, every one loves Duo, Heero, Trowa, and Quatra. Wufei is pratically
forgotten out there. Lost in mist.
I hope to reveal all the Wufei Chang fans out there to hear for their
guy through this ML.
What I expect
I know I can't keep you all under control over just one character in
the series. Besides, it would get boring after a while. I'd like to keep
this dedicated to Wufei, but, the others are welcomed as well. Besides,
Wufei can't have all the glory...can he?
Fanfiction is allowed also. Everyone enjoys a good story onnce in a
while. Also, please keep the swaring down when you wright things. Swearing
doesn't bother me too much, but try not to if you can help it.
I expect no one or two liners (unless you're asking questions to me),
they get extremely annoying. I hate them. I dispise them. I want to kill
them. I must destroy all pointless one-liners. Get the point?
I will try to send your letter out as soon as possibe. I won't garentee
that. Hopefully, you will get a letter of updates at least once a month.
I hope to do more than that.
Also, by being on this list, it would make it easier on you to know
when my updates are.
Well, if I have not satisfied you with this explination, email me your questions here